Orthotics is a broad term used to identify medical devices which support, correct and protect extremities of the human body. Many people will identify with the term "foot orthotic", but there are also Ankle Foot Orthotics, Spinal Orthotics and Wrist elbow Orthotics.
Orthotics are mainly divided into upper and lower extremity devices. The Orthotic and Prosthetic practitioners consulting at the facilities are well versed and experienced in the majority of upper and lower extremity orthotics.
Orthotics are classified as medical devices, and it's for this reason that certain precautions be taken when we measure, manufacture and fit these devices. Your safety and comfort is our primary objective, and it is therefor necessary that all Orthotics are fitted by qualified Orthotic and Prosthetic clinicians.
Ankle foot, Knee Ankle foot and Hip Ankle foot orthothes can be prescribed for a number of conditions, namely, structural, motor and control disorders.
1. Structural disorders:
Paget’s disease
Pseudarthrosis of tibia
Avascular necrosis of talus
CTEV (club foot)
Equinovarus ankle
2. Motor disorders
Prolapsed intervertebral disk
Lower motor neuron disease
Limb length discrepancy
Sacral neurological lesion
Spina Bifida
3. Control disorders
C.V.A (Cerebrovascular accident / Stroke)
Cerebral head injury
Cerebral palsy