Canes, Crutches and Walkers
Assistive devices serve one or more functions:
Improve balance
Assist propulsion
Reduce load on one or both legs.
Transmit sensory cues through the hand(s)
Many persons use a single cane. The cane is usually held under the hand, opposite the affected leg.
There are those that use a pair of canes to ambulate, particularity those with bilateral complications/prostheses.
Not only does a cane provide a person with an increased sense of balance and support, it also offers sensory feedback.
Research confirms that many individuals benefit from assistive technology.
The benefits of assistive devices:
Those affected by a stroke had stood on the affected leg and walked faster than those who had not used a cane. The research participants using the cane showed that they had greater stability and less sway.
Persons affected with vestibular disorders found that using a cane reduced swaying.
Canes lessen the stresses on the Tibia.
A randomised controlled trial showed that assistive technologies has reduced global health care costs. Continue to Crutches